Protection Status LICENSE | Exercise Animatic
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We want to make it easy for you to use your purchased videos with ease. That is why we designed the Exercise Animatic licenses easy to use and understand.

Included with every individually purchased video and with the Personal Unlimited Subscription.

Non-Exclusive Commercial License (N-ECL)

The non-exclusive Commercial license is Included with every individually purchased video and with any videos included in your purchased Bundles and is the license you need when you want to produce B2C products or content for sale and any attempt of monetizing with the use of our digital files. You can receive this license by purchasing your exercise videos individually or in a bundle with the licensing being active for a lifetime.


Example B2C product: Your own website or app that allows access to your users as a paid subscription.

What you can do with Non-Exclusive Commercial license 

  • You generally CAN use items as the basis for merchandising.

  • You CAN use in products(both physical or digital) destined for sale like ebooks, books, images or video products like whiteboard & animated explainers, video editing, short and long video ads, animated gifs, animated logos, videos for streamers, Live action explainers, E-Commerce product videos, E-learning video production, Corporate videos, slideshow videos, video marketing, email marketing, .

Clear not to do list of Non-Exclusive Commercial license

  • You can't use to create ANY Digital OR Physical products or services that antagonizes our business or business model.

  • You can't re-sell, or re-distribute digital items with little to no editing;

  • You can't use items in on-demand services; For example, services like or similar to Netflix.

  • You can't use to produce NFTs or to exploit in any way in the Crypto world. 

  • You can't use digital items in a Broadcast presentation.

  • You can't post, distribute or sell them on stock digital content websites.

  • Strictly not allowed to upload or feed ANY of our produced content on ANY Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform!

Non-Exclusive Business 2 Business License (N-EB2BL)

The non-exclusive B2B license is Included with every individually purchased video and with any videos included in your purchased Bundles and is the license you need when you want to produce apps, websites or general content intended as a B2B type of business.


This is the License you need for your business that produces content, Android or iOS mobile applications, specialized fitness websites, video channels or for marketing which are aimed for all your B2B needs. This means that your Business will be eligible to reproduce our Exercise Videos in order to cover any and all of your clients through your products. 

Example B2B product: Personal training platform where end users are trainers that are allowed to use the video library for their own clients.

What you can do with Non-Exclusive Business 2 Business License (N-EB2BL)

  • You generally CAN use items as the basis for merchandising

  • You CAN use in products or reproducible templates(both physical or digital) destined for resale like ebooks, books, images or video products like whiteboard & animated explainers, video editing, short and long video ads, animated gifs, animated logos, videos for streamers, Live action explainers, E-Commerce product videos, E-learning video production, Corporate videos, slideshow videos, video marketing, email marketing.

Clear not to do list of Non-Exclusive Business 2 Business License (N-EB2BL)

  • You can't use to create ANY Digital OR Physical products or services that antagonizes our business or business model.

  • You can't use to produce NFTs or to exploit in any way in the Crypto world.

  • You can't use digital items in a Broadcast presentation.

  • You can't post, distribute or sell them on stock digital content websites.

  • You can't sell a Franchise or any type of resellers license.

  • Strictly not allowed to upload or feed ANY of our produced content on ANY Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform!

Included with every individually purchased video and the BUSINESS UNLIMITED+ Subscription.

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